Microsoft Multimedia Viewer How-To README.TXT LAST-MINUTE UPDATES: -------------------- The TSTOOLS addon contains MANY more functions than originally expected. Run the TSTOOLS.MVB and TSTOOLSW.MVB demos for more information. The movies in these demos have caused errors with some ATI video drivers. If this happens to you, it's worth switching to the standard VGA drivers temporarily so you can see the entire demos. To change drivers: exit Windows, change to the Windows directory (CD \WINDOWS), and execute setup. This will display your current configuration and allow you to change drivers or features. Be sure to make a note of the current valu for your video system before making changes, so you can return to your normal configuration later! Two more DLLs had to be installed in your Windows\System directory: VWRHT.DLL and VWRHT2.DLL. Both DLLs are used only by the VIEWERHT.MVB application. The total hard drive space required to install both the Viewer Toolkit and Viewer How-To files from this CD is just over 43 megabytes. The book says that the THREED.VBX file is installed in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory when you run the Viewer install. It's actually copied into the MVPUBKIT\MVTOOLS directory instead. OTHER NOTES: ------------ You might want to copy the VIEWERHT.MVB application file to your hard disk to provide an easy reference for the future. You will need the Viewer How-To CD in your CD drive to be able to use the Demo buttons unless you change the VIEWER.INI entries for the demo files. The Demo button for Chapter 10 has to use a hard-coded relative path to the EXE files; to use these demos from your hard drive you must duplicate the CHAP10 directory structure and contents under the directory where you store the VIEWERHT.MVB file. There are three routine differences between the sample How-To files on the CD and the instructions contained in the book: o All windows have a caption, usually in the form 'How-To x.y Demo'. o All sample files contain a copyright line. o The Config script in all sample files includes a call to SetDir. This is explained below. The SetDir function is needed only in demos that use external (non-Baggage) files, so they can be executed from the VIEWERHT.MVB application. These calls assure that the correct drive and directory are active, by setting them to the drive and directory where the current MVB file is located. This assures that the external files can be found. The calls are included in all demos for consistency. The source code for this routine and a DLL that may be redistributed are available in the Viewer section on CompuServe. Please note that the VIEWERHT.DLL file may not be redistributed. The demonstration file for the Pushbutton Viewer extension requires one file that was installed on your hard drive as part of Viewer. You must copy the BOAT_LHS.AVI file from your MVPUBKIT\MVSAMPLE\GALLERY\VIDEO directory to the MVPUBKIT\ADDONS\PUSH directory before running this demonstration. Word and the Viewer Toolkit require that you be running SHARE.EXE. (Windows for Workgroups automatically includes VSHARE.386). If you have removed this from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file you will have to put this back. WORD 6.0 USERS NOTE!!!!!! ------------------------- There is an incompatibility between Word 6.0 and the Viewer compiler on the enclosed CD. The same incompatibility exists with the initial commercial version of the compiler. New commercial packages should contain the updated compiler, and licensed owners of the toolkit can also get a copy from Microsoft through CompuServe (see Appendix C). To use Word 6.0 with the compiler on this CD, you must add the following macro to your Word template (file NORMAL.DOT) and execute the macro to save your RTF file instead of using the File menu. If you are not familiar with creating Word macros, refer to How-To 5.2. Use Notepad's Edit function to copy this text, or insert the entire README.TXT file through Word's Insert menu function, to prevent errors. Sub MAIN REM Copyright (C) 1992 Microsoft Corp. REM Written by Clay Ver Valen Name$ = FileName$() FileSaveAs .Name = Name$, .Format = 6 FileClose 2 SendKeys "{UP 2}{ENTER}", 0 ConvertState = FileConfirmConversions() FileOpen .Name = Name$, .ConfirmConversions = 1 EditFind .Find = "\fonttbl", .Direction = 0, .WholeWord = 0, .MatchCase = 0, .PatternMatch = 0, .SoundsLike = 0, .Format = 0, .Wrap = 0 ExtendSelection EditFind .Find = "}}", .Direction = 0, .WholeWord = 0, .MatchCase = 0, .PatternMatch = 0, .SoundsLike = 0, .Format = 0, .Wrap = 0 EditReplace .Find = "\\fcharset?\\fprq?", .Replace = "", .Direction = 0, .MatchCase = 0, .WholeWord = 0, .PatternMatch = 1, .SoundsLike = 0, .ReplaceAll, .Format = 0, .Wrap = 0 FileSaveAs .Name = Name$, .Format = 2 FileClose 2 FileOpen .Name = Name$, .ConfirmConversions = 0 FileConfirmConversions Abs(ConvertState) End Sub QUOTES, EM-DASHES, AND EN-DASHES: --------------------------------- If you want to use real typographic quotes and dashes, and want to automate the translation process described in How-To 5.3, try the following macro. It saves your RTF file and then converts it, much like the above Word 6 macro. They can be combined into one if needed... study the code to figure out how. Note: this macro requires that you select confirming file conversions. Sub MAIN DocClose SendKeys "{UP 2}{ENTER}", 0 File1 EditReplace .Find = "\lquote ", .Replace = "\'91", .ReplaceAll = 1 EditReplace .Find = "\rquote ", .Replace = "\'92", .ReplaceAll = 1 EditReplace .Find = "\ldblquote ", .Replace = "\'93", .ReplaceAll = 1 EditReplace .Find = "\rdblquote ", .Replace = "\'94", .ReplaceAll = 1 EditReplace .Find = "\emdash ", .Replace = "\'97", .ReplaceAll = 1 EditReplace .Find = "\endash ", .Replace = "\'96", .ReplaceAll = 1 ' ' NOTE: you may want to add bullet or other codes to this list ' FileSave DocClose End Sub